Wednesday 18 March 2009

K-PAX by Gene Brewer, Chapter: Session 4

There are five floors at the MPI, numbered essentially in order of increasing severity of patient illness. Ward one (ground floor) is for those who suffer only acute neuroses or mild paranoia... Ward two is occupied by those more severely afflicted: delusionals such as Russel and pro, manic and deep depressives, obdurate misanthropes, and others unable to function in society. Ward three is divided into 3A, which houses a variety of seriously psychotic individuals, and 3B, the autistic/catatonic section. Finally, Ward Four is reserved for psychopathic patients who might cause harm to the staff and their fellow inmates. This includes certain autists who regularly erupt into uncontrollable rages, as well as otherwise normal individuals who sometimes become violent without any warning. [p47]

A coprophagic whose only desire is to consume his own, and sometimes others', feces. [p48]

One of the latter, dubbed "Whacky" by a comedic student some time ago, is a man who diddles with himself almost constantly. Virtually anything sets him off: arms, legs, beds, bathrooms - you name it. [p48]

She was extremely coquettish, leading him on but never quite going "all the way". [p48-49]

Crazed with desire, Whacky remained as virginal as Russel for two agonizing years - he was saving himself for the woman he loved. [p49]

But on their wedding day she ran off with an old boyfriend, recently released from the state prison, leaving Whacky literally standing at the alter (and bursting at the seams). When he received the news that his fiancée had jilted him, he took down his pants and began to masturbate right there in the church, and he has been at it ever since. [p49]

When not caught up in his compulsion, Whacky is a very pleasant guy. [p49]

T A L K I N G with Whacky always reminds me of the awesome power that sex has over all of us, as Freud perceived in a moment of tremendous inspiration a century ago. Indeed most of us have sexual problems at some time in, if not throughout, our lives. [p50]

The candidate, whom I shall call Dr. Choate, exhibited a rather perculiar mannerism: He continually checked his fly, presumably to make sure it was closed... [p54]

It has been said that all psychiatrists are a little crazy. Dr. Choate did nothing to dispel that canard. [p54]

But nearly all have IQs well below average, usually in the fifty to seventy-five range. [Brewer on savants, p57]

Great wits are sure to madness near alli'd
And thin partitions do their bounds divide [Poet John Dryden, p58]

"Get thee behind me, Satan!" he exclaimed periodically, to no one in particular. [p60]

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