Friday 20 May 2011

Iran Awakening by Shirin Ebadi: Prologue

"It is the first time in the history of the Islamic Republic that the state had acknowledged that it had murdered its critics, and the first time a trial would be convened to hold the perpetrators accountable. The government itself had admitted that a rogue squad within the Ministry of Intelligence was responsible for the killings..." [Prologue, pXIV]

"The material was dark with descriptions of brutal murders, passages where a killer, with seeming relish, told of crying out "Ya Zahra," in dark homage to the Prophet Muhammed's daughter, with each stab." [Ibid.]

"I blinked once but it stared back at me from the page: "The next person to be killed is Shirin Ebadi." Me... We read together, read of my would-be assassin going to the minister of intelligence, requesting permission to execute my killing. Not during the fasting month of Ramadan, the minister replied, but any-time thereafter. But they don't fast anyway, the mercenary had argued; these people have divorced God." [Prologue, pXV]

I should point out she doesn't mention the dates and times of the above, nor the people involved - which minister - quite a high position, no? and what happened to him or the assassin? And she doesn't mention any of this in the rest of her book. The prologue really drags you in to make you read the rest of the book.

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