Tuesday 31 May 2011

Iran Awakening by Shirin Ebadi: Discovering Justice

"In the Iranian justice system, a judge is not required to first practice law, and I sent out in my studies intent on judgeship" [p15, IMO a person should never be able to become a judge without having first practised law]

"...it was fashionable to affect intellectual airs, and to skillfully [sic] dissect the shah's flaws in conversation, but to be truthful about it, we were not very bothered about such questions. " [p17, showing her lack of interest in politics or deep knowledge thereof. Just noticed that shah is spelt with a small s throughout the book]

"We socialized, in mixed groups of men and women, along such wholesome lines. True, it was the era of the miniskirt, and around the university - indeed, all around the city - stylish young women bared their legs in homage to Twiggy, the fashion icon of the moment. The students at Tehran University came from middle- or working-class backgrounds and didn't view their social live as a realm for experimentation. We didn't wear veils - in fact, the three veiled women in our university class stood out - but neither did we date, in the Western sense of the word. We always gathered for coffees or weekend trips in mixed groups, and although men and women studied together in the library, in class women still occupied the front rows, and men the back." [p19, liberal society and a lack of Islam - only 3 veiled women!]

"To conservative clerics, the university was a den of corruption, a polluted place where men and women sinned under the pretext of coed learning... the perfect excuse to invoke against the possibility of a [woman getting] a university education." [p20, so why are universities still mixed now in Iran Shirin and with more women than men in higher education? Such a spiteful and accusatory attitude]

"In 1964, the year before I had started law school, the shah had expelled a little-known, scowling cleric, Ayatullah Ruhollah Khomeini, to Najaf, Iraq, because of his fiery sermons that cleverly attacked the government. But with the ayatollah in absentia, no ideology or leader had yet emerged for anti-shah sentiment to coalesce around... To be anti-shah, in those days, did not mean you were pro-Ayatollah Khomeini." [p20]

"In March 1970, at the age of twenty-three, I became a judge." [p21]

"Though they squaked at the very notion of the SAVAK [secret police], people still trusted the legal system and sincerely believed that the laws protected their rights." [p22]

"...the shah had spent $300 million on makeshift silk tents with marble bathrooms, and on food and wine for twenty-five thousand people, flown in from Paris." [p23]

"One evening at a friend's party, a young man circled around me half the night, until he persuaded the host to introduce us... it was arranged for us to meet at another party the following week. He declared himself smitten, and said that if I reciprocated his interest, he would immediately ask for my hand in marriage." [p25]

"In January 1978, President Jimmy Carter arrived in Tehran on a New Year's Day visit and called Iran "an island of stability." The evening news broadcast footage of the shah toasting Carter with champage, the first time a largely Muslim nation had observed their leader drinking alcohol on national television. Not long after, a newspaper published an article aggressively attacking Ayatollah Khomeini. The next day, seminarians in the holy city of Qom revolted, amrching on the shrine with chants called for the ayatollah's return. The police shot into the crowd, and a number of men were killed." [p32]

"In early August [1978], a crowded cinema in the southern city of Abadan was burned to the ground. The flames engulfed four hundered people, burning the alive. The shah blamed religious conservatives, and Ayatollah Khomeini angrily accused SAVAK." [p33]

"[After Ayatollah Khomeini had written a letter instructing citizens to rise up and expel bureaucrats, Shirin and others went to the minister of justice's office]... He looked up at us in amazement, and his gaze halted when he saw my face. "You! You of all people, why are you here?" he asked, bewildered and stern. "Don't you know that you're supporting people who will take your job away if they come to power?" "I'd rather be a free Iranian than an enslaved attorney," I retorted boldly, self-righteous to the core. Years later, whenever we ran into each other, he would remind me of that fateful remark." [p34]

"On February 1, 1979, the heavy-lidded, stern face of Ayatollah Khomeini emerged from an Air France jetliner..." [p35, when you're a revolutionary leader you have to look stern and he was a very old man too - what irritating criticisms she makes!]

"Ayatollah Khomeini did not speak that day of an Islamic state, nor did he say what would come next. But he called on God to cut off the hands of Iran's enemies" [p36, what an interesting way to word things... to a nationalist Iranian/eastern audience this is good but to a western audience this is shocking - from the general tone of the sentence you can tell it's meant negatively]

Friday 20 May 2011

Iran Awakening by Shirin Ebadi: A Tehran Girlhood

"[Shirin's grandmother witnessed] the banning of the hejab, as part of the modernization campaign launched by Reza Shah, who crowned himself king of Iran in 1926... and he set about emancipating [women] by banning the veil, the symbol of tradition's yoke." [p8... She claims to be a supporter of women's rights but she speaks positively of the Shah's banning the hejab and prohibiting women from the right to choose. She also claims to be a devout Muslim but she calls the mandatory religious dress a "yoke".]

"One day that year I crept up to the attic, to make a quiet appeal to God. Please, please keep my mother alive, I prayed, so I can stay in school. Suddenly , an indescribable feeling overtook me, starting in my stomach and spreading to my fingertips. In that stirring, I felt as though God was answering me. My sadness ended evaporated, and a strange euphoria shot through my heart. Since that moment, my faith in God has been unshakable." [p10, just in case you though she was a staunch secularist or pro atheism]

Iran Awakening by Shirin Ebadi: Prologue

"It is the first time in the history of the Islamic Republic that the state had acknowledged that it had murdered its critics, and the first time a trial would be convened to hold the perpetrators accountable. The government itself had admitted that a rogue squad within the Ministry of Intelligence was responsible for the killings..." [Prologue, pXIV]

"The material was dark with descriptions of brutal murders, passages where a killer, with seeming relish, told of crying out "Ya Zahra," in dark homage to the Prophet Muhammed's daughter, with each stab." [Ibid.]

"I blinked once but it stared back at me from the page: "The next person to be killed is Shirin Ebadi." Me... We read together, read of my would-be assassin going to the minister of intelligence, requesting permission to execute my killing. Not during the fasting month of Ramadan, the minister replied, but any-time thereafter. But they don't fast anyway, the mercenary had argued; these people have divorced God." [Prologue, pXV]

I should point out she doesn't mention the dates and times of the above, nor the people involved - which minister - quite a high position, no? and what happened to him or the assassin? And she doesn't mention any of this in the rest of her book. The prologue really drags you in to make you read the rest of the book.

Iran Awakening by Shirin Ebadi

This is the autobiography of Shirin Ebadi the Nobel peace prize winner of 2003. Upon reading her words and thoughts I grew to dislike her as a person. I do not agree with her values or beliefs and I personally find her to be stuck up snob with virtually no understanding of religion or politics. However, I respect the steps she took to bring people their rights and that is all that is commendable about her. At one point I nearly stopped reading the book because she annoyed me so much. The book is written in a very spiteful and pretentious tone, but whoever translated it did an amazing job as they manage to mask much of the venom. I continued to read on just to find out what other failures of the Iranian government had allowed to let pass.

I will be choosing select quotes from her book, some of which show her good side and others her bad side, and posting them to this blog.