Monday 13 April 2009

K-PAX by Gene Brewer, Chapter: Session 11

"We don't have games on K-PAX," he replied. "We don't need them. Nor what you call 'jokes,'" he added, scrutinizing a dried fig. "I've noticed that human beings laugh a lot, even at things that aren't funny. I was puzzled by this at first until I understood how sad your lives really are." [p140]

While he masticated I carefully proceeded. [p141]

He vacillates a lot. [p141 - swayes from side to side]

"Nothing you humans come up with surprises me anymore." [p142]

"Are you kidding? Schools are a total waste of time. They try to teach you a bunch of crap."
"Like what?"
"Like how great america is, better than any other country, how you have to have wars to protect 'freedoms,' all kinds of junk like that." [p143]

"Does he get good grades?"
"A's and b's. He should do better. He sleeps too much." [p146 - a bit like me]

"You humans consider yourselves the smartest of the EARTH beings. Am I right?"
"Then obviously the other beings speak much simpler languages that yours, right?"
"So if you're so smart, and their languages are so simple, how come you can't communicate with them?" He waited for an answer. Unfortunately, I didn't have one. [p150]

"How are you feeling, Ernie?"
"Wonderful. Absolutely wonderful." I had never seen a smile quite like his. It was positively beatific.
"What happened for God's sake?"
"My good friend Howie just about strangled me to death." ... "That old son-of-a-bitch. I love him."
"Love him? He tried to kill you!"
"No he didn't. He made me think he tried to kill me. Oh, it was fantastic. I was asleep. You know, with my hands tied and everything? he wrapped somthing around my neck - a handkerchief or something - and tightened it up and there wasn't a damn thing I could do about it."
"He taught me a lesson I'll never forget."
"That dying is nothing to fear. In fact it's quite pleasant."
"How so?"
"Well, you've heard that old adage - when you die your life passes before your eyes? Well, it does! ... It was just like living my whole childhood over again! ... All those memories - I never realized what a wonderful thign childhood is until I got the chance to relive it like that." [p152-3]

She was shocked by all the belching and farting... [p153]

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