Thursday 8 November 2012

Candide by Voltaire, Chapter 12

"I have been a hundred times upon the point of killing myself, but still I was fond of life. This ridiculous weakness is, perhaps, one of the dangerous principles implanted in our nature. For what can be more absurd than to persist in carrying a burden of which we wish to be eased? to detest, and yet to strive to preserve our existence? In a word, to caress the serpent that devours us, and hug him close to our bosom till he has gnawed into our hearts?" [The Old Woman with one buttock relates about how her misfortunes have caused her to contemplate suicide] 

Voltaire's tragic comedy novel, replete with cynicism and scenes of human despair, is an attack on the concept of being overly optimistic, or optimistic to the extreme, and an attack against people of the idea that "something good must come from this tragedy" or "God had a good reason why he let this happen" - concepts promoted by the German philosopher Liebniz, his fans and religious people of that temperament. It is also a book which expresses the worst side of human nature. The book also contains some rather crude and offensive anti-Semitic (Jewish/Arab) and anti-Muslim stereotypes.

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