Monday 1 February 2010

Two books read

I read two books in my spare time but have not blogged about them for different reasons.

The first book was Next by Michael Crichton. What a brilliant book, especially for biologists, albeit it has one or two technical errors which I will blog about on a later date. Its content might be a bit complicated for the layman, both in subject matter and in keeping mind of the vast array of characters and their sup/sub-plots, but it is a stunning piece of science fiction (or is some of it hidden science-fact?). It has so many choice quotes and articles in it that if I kept posting favourite quotes then I would have posted half the book on this blog! It's a great novel; Read it!

The next book I read was K-PAX IV by Gene Brewer. In the story, Prot has long since gone, Dr Brewer has retired and is sat at home when he suddenly gets a knock on his door and who is there except a friend of Prot who has decided to visit. Fled is a female ape-resembling creature that is very different in personality to Prot and I found it difficult to relate to that personality (no surprise) and thus it made the reading experience not as good as with the first three books. There is a lack of choice quotes from this book, but the book is worth reading nonetheless and a good addition to the series albeit it will surely be the last in the K-PAX series (I hope it will be). You have to get this book if you're a fan of the K-PAX series, not just for the sake of completing the series, but because it's a reasonably good book too.

I must admit that after reading Michael Crichton and then starting to read Gene Brewer I noticed the significant difference between their styles and truly, Crichton is a master. Brewer needs time to mature but is well on his way.

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